Take Our Pledge for Peace & Safety
A Stand for Nonviolence & Peace
At I THRIVE, we carry a deep commitment to peace and to learning from the most defining chapters of our shared human history. For I THRIVE's creator, Heather Curtis MD, this journey is also personal. Heather is the great grand-niece of Corporal Clyde C. Brown, who, along with two of his peers, were the first men shot down at Pearl Harbor. This loss rippled through my time and history, marking the beginning of America’s involvement in World War II.
Clyde's service and sacrifice is part of a legacy that reminds us of the price of conflict and the resilience that shaped the Allied victory over Axis forces. Yet, the devastating events that closed this chapter of history—including mass genocide and atomic bombings—changed the world forever, leaving us with both the weight of history and a duty to seek a different path forward.
With the I THRIVE pledge, we stand to honor this history and all the lives lost or harmed during World War II and its aftermath by seeking peace and understanding over violence. We commit to learning from the past, acknowledging both its triumphs and lessons, and to working toward a peaceful world for the welfare of our human family and world community.​
Check out a list of I THRIVE's projects & initiatives dedicated to peace and nonviolence:
Kintsukuroi Project:
Challenges stigma and inspires post-traumatic growth, including global survivor advocacy, a mental health study, veteran service, and safe practices in psychedelic science.
Looking Glass Project:
A peaceful protest, performance art, and nonviolent resistance exposing community dangers and failings to prompt ethical change, remediation, training, and address psychedelic harms, ensuring safe study in Utah.
Tribute to Psychology Leaders and World History Reflection:
Honoring psychology pioneers and learning from history through our social media campaigns and interventions.
Abolition of Atomic Weapons:
Advocating for the elimination of atomic weapons in honor of Heather Curtis MD’s family legacy and the service of her great grand-uncle Corporal Clyde Brown in WWII.
Art Therapy, Information, & Healing Interventions:
Therapeutic support tools rooted in the belief that a peaceful world is a healed world.
Standing for Peaceable Resolution and Restorative Justice:
Committed to promoting nonviolent conflict resolution and practices that support healing and reconciliation.
A Stand For Campus, Community, & Psychedelic Safety
At I THRIVE, we believe campuses should be places of growth and learning, free from harm and abuse. When issues arise, they must be handled with equity, respect, and support for those involved. Our stand for campus safety is grounded in my experiences witnessing the impact of harm on campus communities, driving our commitment to fostering a culture of trust and accountability where students, staff, and faculty feel safe and valued.
In our broader communities, trust in institutions is essential. Community members should feel confident that schools, hospitals, law enforcement, courts, and local organizations are dedicated to safety and transparency. By standing for accountability and integrity, we create environments where individuals feel supported and protected.
With the promise of healing in the emerging psychedelic sciences, ethical and responsible practice is more crucial than ever. My experiences witnessing harm in this field reinforce our stand for safety, as we uphold the ethics of psychiatry to ensure psychedelics remain a force for healing, not harm.
We invite you to stand with us for campus, community, and psychedelic safety. Take the pledge below, and join us in creating spaces rooted in trust, responsibility, and well-being.
Check out a list of I THRIVE's projects & initiatives dedicated to campus, community, & psychedelic safety:
Campus Safety Advocacy & Pledge:
A commitment to fostering secure, inclusive environments on educational campuses. Past advocacy has included resident physican treatment at UALD 2019.
Collaboration with Ethics Committees & Divisions of Professional Licensing:
Working with multidisciplinary committees to uphold safety protocols in psychedelic science & mental health practice.
Community Safety Initiatives: Campaigns and advocacy focused on enhancing safety, support, transparency and awareness in local communities.
Psychedelic Safety Advocacy:
Promoting best practices, ethical standards, and safety measures in psychedelic research and therapies. Advocating for regulation & regulatory body involvement at all points of psychedelic medicine evaluation.
Public Awareness Campaigns:
Engaging in educational outreach and learning from local tragedy to increase understanding of the importance of safety in community and therapeutic contexts.
Challenging Stigma and Advocating for University Neutrality:
Changing the culture to create safe spaces where survivors feel empowered to come forward and be believed. Advocating for fair treatment of survivors when coming forward in university settings.
Take the I THRIVE Pledge
Send us an email to info@i-thrive.org along with your personal commitment to peace, campus, community, & psychedelic safety.
Work toward a safer America & a safer world community.
Take the I THRIVE Pledge on Social Media
With the I THRIVE pledge, we pledge to carry forward a legacy of peace, to remember those who came before us, and to strive for a world where safety, justice, and mutual respect are the foundation of our future.​
Together, let’s honor this history by working toward lasting peace, campus, and community safety. Follow us on instagram @The_Kintsukuroi_Project to take the I THRIVE Pledge.
To take the pledge, simply tag @The_Kintsukuroi_Project in a post on instagram along with your personal commitment to peace and building a safer campus and world community.
Be sure to use the hashtag #ITHRIVEpledge on facebook & instagram.