Gratitude Gallery...
The number of people, institutions, and organizations that have supported I THRIVE and its creator, Heather Curtis MD, in her pursuit of this project and site are innumerable.
That said, we wanted to be sure to mention a few of the people and places that have played integral roles in our healing and education such that we are able to bring this work to you today.
We extend our thanks to our teachers, guides, mentors, supports, and friends at the following organizations and institutions:
Brigham Young University and the David M. Kennedy Center for International Studies
Utah State University and the Chemoreception Lab of Timothy Gilbertson PhD and Dane Hansen PhD
Spencer Fox Eccles School of Medicine and all of my professors, peers, deans, and student advisors
Providence St. Vincent Medical Center Internal Medicine Internship and Residency Program
Vijay Shankar PsyD and Anne Shankar LCSW of LifeQual Center in Beaverton, Oregon
Omar Reda MD of Healing Trauma Institute
University of Utah Adult Psychiatry Residency Training Program and any peer, faculty, mentor, and teacher who, in good faith, assisted I THRIVE's creator in her studies and the development of this platform and project
Samma Karuna International School of Awakening and Healing, Upaya Yoga, and Indra Yoga Institute
The Salt Lake City Rape Recovery Center peers and staff
Kris King, staff, and of Wings Seminars as well as Sherrie Vav Rosky Frank, Meg Mitchell, and staff of The Learning Well hosted by La Clinica 501c3 in Medford, Oregon
Bingham Memorial Hospital 501c3 New Leaf Behavioral Health Unit colleagues, staff, and friends
Our teachers, guides, and professors in the field of psychiatry, therapy, integrative medicine, and the psychedelic sciences who have maintained the ethical standard required of such a position
Every health care provider and healer who supported me in my own healing or gifted me with the experience and skills to serve others through the experience gained by observing the mastery of their healing arts.
It has been a journey and quite the adventure. We would not be here without you. Thank you for supporting us to do the work we do!